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πŸ‘‹ Hi there, I'm Francesco


All the opinions on this blog are solely my own and do not represent the view of my employers, current nor previous.

πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ Who am I?

I hate to describe myself with a generic title - it may sound clichè, yet I am a curious mind and a passionate learner.

I fell in love with mathematics in my early years, I can remember counting and adding numbers at 4 or 5: mathematics and logic reasoning have been a big part of my life ever since.

After pursuing a M.Sc. in pure mathematics at ALGANT, I decided to not join a PhD programme, which would have been the natural path forward, but to move into industry to solve real-world problems through mathematical models and machine learning.

This was in the mid-late 2018, and data science hype landed in Italy as well (that's when you should know you are already late to the party πŸ˜‚).

That was about the time I started to learn about the topic and in late 2018 I started working as a data scientist, and I am still at it today.

πŸ’Ό Employer(s)

  • Currently, I am a data scientist at HelloFresh πŸ‹ in Berlin office.
  • Previously I worked a senior data scientist at Edison⚑ one of the leading Italian electric utility company, under the EDF group. Here I was involved maily on mid and down stream projects on tabular data, time series, anomaly detection, and optimization.
  • My career started in a consulting company called Avanade, a joint venture between Microsoft and Accenture, where I worked as a data engineer and data scientist on several projects for big clients in the telco, energy and automotive sectors.

πŸ’» Open Source

I consider myself an open source enthusiast, and I try to contribute to it as much as I can (which is not much, but I am trying to improve) to give back to the community.

Here is a list of open source projects I created (mostly for my own use and need but hopefully useful to others as well) and/or maintain:

  • iso-week-date is a toolkit to work with strings representing ISO Week date in two formats: week YYYY-WNN and week date YYYY-WNN-D.
  • Timebasedcv: a python library that provides a cross validation strategy based on actual datetime values instead of indexes, of course compatible with scikit-learn cross validation API.
  • Compclasses: a python utility library to simplify composition (over inheritance).
  • Deczoo: a zoo for python decorators, a collection of decorators used on a daily basis.
  • scikit-lego: A collection of lego bricks for scikit-learn pipelines. I am a contributor to this project and a maintainer since Sept 2023.

πŸ“« How to reach me

The best way to reach out or connect with me is via linkedin. I am always happy to connect with people and talk about data science, machine learning, mathematics, or anything else.

πŸ”§ Tech stack

Non-exhaustive list and in various order, the tech stack I am most familiar with: