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This is a high level overview of the features provided by the iso-week-date package.

IsoWeek and IsoWeekDate classes

The IsoWeek and IsoWeekDate classes both provide the following functionalities:

  • Parsing from string, date and datetime objects
  • Conversion to string, date and datetime objects
  • Comparison operations between IsoWeek (resp IsoWeekDate) objects
  • Addition with int, timedelta, and Iterable[int | timedelta] types
  • Subtraction with int, timedelta, IsoWeek (resp IsoWeekDate), and Iterable[int | timedelta | IsoWeek] types
  • Range between two IsoWeek (resp. IsoWeekDate) objects
  • __next__ method to generate the next IsoWeek (resp. IsoWeekDate) object

IsoWeek unique methods/features:

  • days properties that lists the dates in the given week
  • nth method to get the nth day of the week as date
  • in operator and contains method to check if a (iterable of) week(s), string(s) and/or date(s) is contained in the given week
  • weeksout method to generate a list of weeks that are n_weeks after the given week
  • Addition and subtraction with int defaults to adding/subtracting weeks

IsoWeekDate unique methods/features:

  • day property that returns the weekday as integer
  • isoweek property that returns the ISO Week of the given date (as string)
  • daysout method to generate a list of dates that are n_days after the given date
  • Addition and subtraction with int defaults to adding/subtracting days

pandas and polars utils

pandas_utils and polars_utils modules provide functionalities to work with and move back and forth with series of ISO Week date formats.

In specific both modules implements the following functionalities:

  • datetime_to_isoweek and datetime_to_isoweekdate to convert a series of datetime objects to a series of ISO Week (date) strings
  • isoweek_to_datetime and isoweekdate_to_datetime to convert a series of ISO Week (date) strings to a series of datetime objects
  • is_isoweek_series and is_isoweekdate_series to check if a string series values match the ISO Week (date) format

Custom offset

One of the main reason for this library to exist is the need and the flexibility to work with custom offsets, i.e. to be able to add/subtract a custom offset (as timedelta) to the default ISO Week start and given date, and get a "shifted" week.

This feature is available both in the IsoWeek and IsoWeekDate classes and the dataframe functionalities.

To check an example see the working with custom offset section.