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iso-week-date is published as a Python package on pypi, and it can be installed with pip, or directly from source using git, or with a local clone:

python -m pip install iso-week-date
python -m pip install git+
git clone
cd iso-week-date
python -m pip install .


  • To work with IsoWeek and IsoWeekDate classes, no additional dependencies are required.
  • pandas, polars and/or pydantic functionalities require the installation of the respective libraries.

    python -m pip install "pandas>=1.0.0"
    python -m pip install "iso-week-date[pandas]"
    python pip install "polars>=0.18.0"
    python pip install "iso-week-date[polars]"
    python pip install "pydantic>=2.4.0"
    python pip install "iso-week-date[pydantic]"