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Mixin's are used to add functionality to the base class.

In particular:

  • ParserMixin: implements the parsing methods from different types (from_* methods)
  • ConverterMixin: implements the conversion methods to different types (to_* methods)
  • ComparatorMixin: implements the comparison operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=)


Bases: IsoWeekProtocol

Mixin that handles conversion from types.

ParserMixin implements from_* (class) methods to parse from:

  • str: string matching pattern, will be validated.
  • str: string matching compact_pattern, will be validated.
  • date: casted to ISO Week _date_format using .strftime() method after applying offset_.
  • datetime:casted to ISO Week _date_format using .strftime() method after applying offset_.

Additionally, it implements ._cast() class method that automatically casts to ISOWeek-like type from the by calling the appropriate method for parsing.

Source code in iso_week_date/
class ParserMixin(IsoWeekProtocol):
    """Mixin that handles conversion from types.

    `ParserMixin` implements `from_*` (class) methods to parse from:

    - `str`: string matching `pattern`, will be validated.
    - `str`: string matching `compact_pattern`, will be validated.
    - `date`: casted to ISO Week `_date_format` using `.strftime()` method after applying `offset_`.
    - `datetime`:casted to ISO Week `_date_format` using `.strftime()` method after applying `offset_`.

    Additionally, it implements `._cast()` class method that automatically casts to ISOWeek-like type from the by
    calling the appropriate method for parsing.

    def from_string(cls: Type[Self], _str: str) -> Self:
        """Parse a string object in `_pattern` format."""
        if not isinstance(_str, str):
            msg = f"Expected `str` type, found {type(_str)}"
            raise TypeError(msg)
        return cls(_str)

    def from_compact(cls: Type[Self], _str: str) -> Self:
        """Parse a string object in `_compact_format` format.

        Since values are validated in the initialization method, our goal in this method is to "add" the dashes in the
        appropriate places. To achieve this we:

        - First check that the length of the string is correct (either 7 or 8).
        - Split the string in 3 parts.
        - Remove (filter) empty values.
        - Finally join them with a dash in between.
        if not isinstance(_str, str):
            msg = f"Expected `str` type, found {type(_str)}"
            raise TypeError(msg)

        if len(_str) != len(cls._compact_format):
            raise ValueError(format_err_msg(cls._compact_format, _str))

        split_idx = (0, 4, 7, None)
        value = "-".join(filter(None, (_str[i:j] for i, j in zip(split_idx[:-1], split_idx[1:]))))
        return cls(value)

    def from_date(cls: Type[Self], _date: date) -> Self:
        """Parse a date object to `_date_format` after adjusting by `offset_`."""
        if not isinstance(_date, date):
            msg = f"Expected `date` type, found {type(_date)}"
            raise TypeError(msg)
        return cls((_date - cls.offset_).strftime(cls._date_format))

    def from_datetime(cls: Type[Self], _datetime: datetime) -> Self:
        """Parse a datetime object to `_date_format` after adjusting by `offset_`."""
        if not isinstance(_datetime, datetime):
            msg = f"Expected `datetime` type, found {type(_datetime)}"
            raise TypeError(msg)

        return cls((_datetime - cls.offset_).strftime(cls._date_format))

    def from_today(cls: Type[Self]) -> Self:  # pragma: no cover
        """Instantiates class from today's date."""
        return cls.from_date(

    def from_values(cls: Type[Self], year: int, week: int, weekday: int = 1) -> Self:
        """Parse year, week and weekday values to `_format` format."""
        value = (
            cls._format.replace("YYYY", str(year).zfill(4))
            .replace("NN", str(week).zfill(2))
            .replace("D", str(weekday).zfill(1))
        return cls(value)

    def _cast(cls: Type[Self], value: IsoWeek_T_contra) -> Self:
        """Tries to cast from different types.

        - `str`: string matching `_pattern`.
        - `date`: casted to ISO Week by calling `.from_date()` method.
        - `datetime`: casted to ISO Week by calling `.from_datetime()` method.
        - `ISOWeek`-like: value will be returned as is.

            value: Value to be casted to ISO Week object.

            `ISOWeek`-like object

            NotImplementedError: If `value` is not of type `str`, `date`, `datetime` or `ISOWeek`-like.

        from datetime import date
        from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

        IsoWeek._cast("2023-W01")  # IsoWeek("2023-W01")
        if isinstance(value, str):
            return cls.from_string(value)
        elif isinstance(value, datetime):
            return cls.from_datetime(value)
        elif isinstance(value, date):
            return cls.from_date(value)
        elif isinstance(value, cls):
            return value
            msg = f"Cannot cast type {type(value)} into {cls.__name__}"
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)

from_compact(_str) classmethod

Parse a string object in _compact_format format.

Since values are validated in the initialization method, our goal in this method is to "add" the dashes in the appropriate places. To achieve this we:

  • First check that the length of the string is correct (either 7 or 8).
  • Split the string in 3 parts.
  • Remove (filter) empty values.
  • Finally join them with a dash in between.
Source code in iso_week_date/
def from_compact(cls: Type[Self], _str: str) -> Self:
    """Parse a string object in `_compact_format` format.

    Since values are validated in the initialization method, our goal in this method is to "add" the dashes in the
    appropriate places. To achieve this we:

    - First check that the length of the string is correct (either 7 or 8).
    - Split the string in 3 parts.
    - Remove (filter) empty values.
    - Finally join them with a dash in between.
    if not isinstance(_str, str):
        msg = f"Expected `str` type, found {type(_str)}"
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if len(_str) != len(cls._compact_format):
        raise ValueError(format_err_msg(cls._compact_format, _str))

    split_idx = (0, 4, 7, None)
    value = "-".join(filter(None, (_str[i:j] for i, j in zip(split_idx[:-1], split_idx[1:]))))
    return cls(value)

from_date(_date) classmethod

Parse a date object to _date_format after adjusting by offset_.

Source code in iso_week_date/
def from_date(cls: Type[Self], _date: date) -> Self:
    """Parse a date object to `_date_format` after adjusting by `offset_`."""
    if not isinstance(_date, date):
        msg = f"Expected `date` type, found {type(_date)}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    return cls((_date - cls.offset_).strftime(cls._date_format))

from_datetime(_datetime) classmethod

Parse a datetime object to _date_format after adjusting by offset_.

Source code in iso_week_date/
def from_datetime(cls: Type[Self], _datetime: datetime) -> Self:
    """Parse a datetime object to `_date_format` after adjusting by `offset_`."""
    if not isinstance(_datetime, datetime):
        msg = f"Expected `datetime` type, found {type(_datetime)}"
        raise TypeError(msg)

    return cls((_datetime - cls.offset_).strftime(cls._date_format))

from_string(_str) classmethod

Parse a string object in _pattern format.

Source code in iso_week_date/
def from_string(cls: Type[Self], _str: str) -> Self:
    """Parse a string object in `_pattern` format."""
    if not isinstance(_str, str):
        msg = f"Expected `str` type, found {type(_str)}"
        raise TypeError(msg)
    return cls(_str)

from_today() classmethod

Instantiates class from today's date.

Source code in iso_week_date/
def from_today(cls: Type[Self]) -> Self:  # pragma: no cover
    """Instantiates class from today's date."""
    return cls.from_date(

from_values(year, week, weekday=1) classmethod

Parse year, week and weekday values to _format format.

Source code in iso_week_date/
def from_values(cls: Type[Self], year: int, week: int, weekday: int = 1) -> Self:
    """Parse year, week and weekday values to `_format` format."""
    value = (
        cls._format.replace("YYYY", str(year).zfill(4))
        .replace("NN", str(week).zfill(2))
        .replace("D", str(weekday).zfill(1))
    return cls(value)


Bases: IsoWeekProtocol

Mixin that handles conversion to types.

ConverterMixin implements to_* methods to convert to the following types:

  • str
  • date
  • datetime
Source code in iso_week_date/
class ConverterMixin(IsoWeekProtocol):
    """Mixin that handles conversion to types.

    `ConverterMixin` implements `to_*` methods to convert to the following types:

    - `str`
    - `date`
    - `datetime`

    def to_string(self: Self) -> str:
        """Returns as a string in the classical format."""
        return self.value_

    def to_compact(self: Self) -> str:
        """Returns as a string in the compact format."""
        return self.value_.replace("-", "")

    def _to_datetime(self: Self, value: str) -> datetime:
        """Converts `value` to `datetime` object and adds the `offset_`.

        !!! warning
            `value` must be in "%G-W%V-%u" format.

            In general this is not always the case and we need to manipulate `value_` attribute before passing it to
            `datetime.strptime` method.
        return datetime.strptime(value, "%G-W%V-%u") + self.offset_

    def _to_date(self: Self, value: str) -> date:  # pragma: no cover
        """Converts `value` to `date` object and adds the `offset_`.

        !!! warning
            `value` must be in "%G-W%V-%u" format.

            In general this is not always the case and we need to manipulate `value_` attribute before passing it to
            `datetime.strptime` method.
        return self._to_datetime(value).date()

    def to_values(self: Self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
        """Converts `value_` to a tuple of integers (year, week, [weekday])."""
        return tuple(int(v.replace("W", "")) for v in self.value_.split("-"))


Returns as a string in the compact format.

Source code in iso_week_date/
def to_compact(self: Self) -> str:
    """Returns as a string in the compact format."""
    return self.value_.replace("-", "")


Returns as a string in the classical format.

Source code in iso_week_date/
def to_string(self: Self) -> str:
    """Returns as a string in the classical format."""
    return self.value_


Converts value_ to a tuple of integers (year, week, [weekday]).

Source code in iso_week_date/
def to_values(self: Self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
    """Converts `value_` to a tuple of integers (year, week, [weekday])."""
    return tuple(int(v.replace("W", "")) for v in self.value_.split("-"))


Bases: IsoWeekProtocol

Mixin that implements comparison operators ("==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=") between two ISO Week objects.

Source code in iso_week_date/
class ComparatorMixin(IsoWeekProtocol):
    """Mixin that implements comparison operators ("==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=") between two ISO Week objects."""

    def __eq__(self: Self, other: object) -> bool:
        """Equality operator.

        Two ISO Week objects are considered equal if and only if they have the same `offset_` and the same `value_`.

            other: Object to compare with.

            `True` if objects are equal, `False` otherwise.

        from datetime import timedelta
        from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") == IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True
        IsoWeek("2023-W01") == IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # False

        class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
            offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") == CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return (self.offset_ == other.offset_) and (self.value_ == other.value_)
            return False

    def __ne__(self: Self, other: object) -> bool:
        """Inequality operator.

        Two ISO Week objects are considered equal if and only if they have the same `offset_` and the same `value_`.

            other: Object to compare with.

            `True` if objects are _not_ equal, `False` otherwise.

        from datetime import timedelta
        from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") != IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False
        IsoWeek("2023-W01") != IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # True

        class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
            offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") != CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __lt__(self: Self, other: Self) -> bool:
        """Less than operator.

        Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same `offset_`.

        If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as `str`) due to its lexicographical order.

            other: Object to compare with.

            `True` if self is less than other, `False` otherwise.

            TypeError: If `other` is not of same type or it has a different offset.

        from datetime import timedelta
        from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") < IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # True
        IsoWeek("2023-W02") < IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False

        class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
            offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") < CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
        IsoWeek("2023-W01") < "2023-W01"  # TypeError
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            if self.offset_ == other.offset_:
                return self.value_ < other.value_
                msg = f"Cannot compare `{}`'s with different offsets"
                raise TypeError(msg)
            msg = (
                f"Cannot compare `{}` with type `{type(other)}`, comparison is supported only with other "
                f"`{}` objects"
            raise TypeError(msg)

    def __le__(self: Self, other: Self) -> bool:
        """Less than or equal operator.

        Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same `offset_`.

        If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as `str`) due to its lexicographical order.

            other: Object to compare with.

            `True` if self is less than or equal to other, `False` otherwise.

            TypeError: If `other` is not of same type or it has a different offset.

        from datetime import timedelta
        from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") <= IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True
        IsoWeek("2023-W02") <= IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False

        class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
            offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") <= CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
        IsoWeek("2023-W01") <= "2023-W01"  # TypeError
        return self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other)

    def __gt__(self: Self, other: Self) -> bool:
        """Greater than operator.

        Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same `offset_`.

        If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as `str`) due to its lexicographical order.

            other: Object to compare with.

            `True` if self is greater than other, `False` otherwise.

            TypeError: If `other` is not of same type or it has a different offset.

        from datetime import timedelta
        from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # False
        IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True

        class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
            offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
        IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= "2023-W01"  # TypeError
        return not self.__le__(other)

    def __ge__(self: Self, other: Self) -> bool:
        """Greater than or equal operator.

        Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same `offset_`.

        If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as `str`) due to its lexicographical order.

           other: Object to compare with.

            `True` if self is greater than or equal to `other`, `False` otherwise.

            TypeError: If `other` is not of same type or it has a different offset.

        from datetime import timedelta
        from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") > IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # False
        IsoWeek("2023-W02") > IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True

        class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
            offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

        IsoWeek("2023-W01") > CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
        IsoWeek("2023-W01") > "2023-W01"  # TypeError
        return not self.__lt__(other)


Equality operator.

Two ISO Week objects are considered equal if and only if they have the same offset_ and the same value_.


Name Type Description Default
other object

Object to compare with.



Type Description

True if objects are equal, False otherwise.


from datetime import timedelta
from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

IsoWeek("2023-W01") == IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True
IsoWeek("2023-W01") == IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # False

class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
    offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

IsoWeek("2023-W01") == CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False

Source code in iso_week_date/
def __eq__(self: Self, other: object) -> bool:
    """Equality operator.

    Two ISO Week objects are considered equal if and only if they have the same `offset_` and the same `value_`.

        other: Object to compare with.

        `True` if objects are equal, `False` otherwise.

    from datetime import timedelta
    from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") == IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True
    IsoWeek("2023-W01") == IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # False

    class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
        offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") == CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False
    if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
        return (self.offset_ == other.offset_) and (self.value_ == other.value_)
        return False


Greater than or equal operator.

Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same offset_.

If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as str) due to its lexicographical order.


Name Type Description Default
other Self

Object to compare with.



Type Description

True if self is greater than or equal to other, False otherwise.


Type Description

If other is not of same type or it has a different offset.


from datetime import timedelta
from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

IsoWeek("2023-W01") > IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # False
IsoWeek("2023-W02") > IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True

class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
    offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

IsoWeek("2023-W01") > CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
IsoWeek("2023-W01") > "2023-W01"  # TypeError

Source code in iso_week_date/
def __ge__(self: Self, other: Self) -> bool:
    """Greater than or equal operator.

    Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same `offset_`.

    If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as `str`) due to its lexicographical order.

       other: Object to compare with.

        `True` if self is greater than or equal to `other`, `False` otherwise.

        TypeError: If `other` is not of same type or it has a different offset.

    from datetime import timedelta
    from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") > IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # False
    IsoWeek("2023-W02") > IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True

    class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
        offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") > CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
    IsoWeek("2023-W01") > "2023-W01"  # TypeError
    return not self.__lt__(other)


Greater than operator.

Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same offset_.

If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as str) due to its lexicographical order.


Name Type Description Default
other Self

Object to compare with.



Type Description

True if self is greater than other, False otherwise.


Type Description

If other is not of same type or it has a different offset.


from datetime import timedelta
from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # False
IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True

class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
    offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= "2023-W01"  # TypeError

Source code in iso_week_date/
def __gt__(self: Self, other: Self) -> bool:
    """Greater than operator.

    Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same `offset_`.

    If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as `str`) due to its lexicographical order.

        other: Object to compare with.

        `True` if self is greater than other, `False` otherwise.

        TypeError: If `other` is not of same type or it has a different offset.

    from datetime import timedelta
    from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # False
    IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True

    class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
        offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
    IsoWeek("2023-W01") >= "2023-W01"  # TypeError
    return not self.__le__(other)


Less than or equal operator.

Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same offset_.

If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as str) due to its lexicographical order.


Name Type Description Default
other Self

Object to compare with.



Type Description

True if self is less than or equal to other, False otherwise.


Type Description

If other is not of same type or it has a different offset.


from datetime import timedelta
from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

IsoWeek("2023-W01") <= IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True
IsoWeek("2023-W02") <= IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False

class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
    offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

IsoWeek("2023-W01") <= CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
IsoWeek("2023-W01") <= "2023-W01"  # TypeError

Source code in iso_week_date/
def __le__(self: Self, other: Self) -> bool:
    """Less than or equal operator.

    Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same `offset_`.

    If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as `str`) due to its lexicographical order.

        other: Object to compare with.

        `True` if self is less than or equal to other, `False` otherwise.

        TypeError: If `other` is not of same type or it has a different offset.

    from datetime import timedelta
    from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") <= IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True
    IsoWeek("2023-W02") <= IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False

    class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
        offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") <= CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
    IsoWeek("2023-W01") <= "2023-W01"  # TypeError
    return self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other)


Less than operator.

Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same offset_.

If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as str) due to its lexicographical order.


Name Type Description Default
other Self

Object to compare with.



Type Description

True if self is less than other, False otherwise.


Type Description

If other is not of same type or it has a different offset.


from datetime import timedelta
from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

IsoWeek("2023-W01") < IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # True
IsoWeek("2023-W02") < IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False

class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
    offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

IsoWeek("2023-W01") < CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
IsoWeek("2023-W01") < "2023-W01"  # TypeError

Source code in iso_week_date/
def __lt__(self: Self, other: Self) -> bool:
    """Less than operator.

    Comparing two ISO Week objects is only possible if they have the same `offset_`.

    If that's the case than it's enough to compare their values (as `str`) due to its lexicographical order.

        other: Object to compare with.

        `True` if self is less than other, `False` otherwise.

        TypeError: If `other` is not of same type or it has a different offset.

    from datetime import timedelta
    from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") < IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # True
    IsoWeek("2023-W02") < IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False

    class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
        offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") < CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # TypeError
    IsoWeek("2023-W01") < "2023-W01"  # TypeError
    if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
        if self.offset_ == other.offset_:
            return self.value_ < other.value_
            msg = f"Cannot compare `{}`'s with different offsets"
            raise TypeError(msg)
        msg = (
            f"Cannot compare `{}` with type `{type(other)}`, comparison is supported only with other "
            f"`{}` objects"
        raise TypeError(msg)


Inequality operator.

Two ISO Week objects are considered equal if and only if they have the same offset_ and the same value_.


Name Type Description Default
other object

Object to compare with.



Type Description

True if objects are not equal, False otherwise.


from datetime import timedelta
from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

IsoWeek("2023-W01") != IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False
IsoWeek("2023-W01") != IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # True

class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
    offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

IsoWeek("2023-W01") != CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True

Source code in iso_week_date/
def __ne__(self: Self, other: object) -> bool:
    """Inequality operator.

    Two ISO Week objects are considered equal if and only if they have the same `offset_` and the same `value_`.

        other: Object to compare with.

        `True` if objects are _not_ equal, `False` otherwise.

    from datetime import timedelta
    from iso_week_date import IsoWeek

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") != IsoWeek("2023-W01")  # False
    IsoWeek("2023-W01") != IsoWeek("2023-W02")  # True

    class CustomIsoWeek(IsoWeek):
        offset_ = timedelta(days=1)

    IsoWeek("2023-W01") != CustomIsoWeek("2023-W01")  # True
    return not self.__eq__(other)