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IsoWeekDate class


Bases: BaseIsoWeek

Represents ISO Week date in the "YYYY-WNN-D" format.

The class implements methods and functionalities to work directly with iso week date format and avoid moving back and forth between date, datetime and str objects.


Name Type Description

iso-week string of format "YYYY-WNN-D" where:

  • YYYY is between 0001 and 9999
  • W is a literal character
  • NN is between 01 and 53
  • D is between 1 and 7
Source code in iso_week_date/
class IsoWeekDate(BaseIsoWeek):
    """Represents [ISO Week date]( in the  _"YYYY-WNN-D"_ format.

    The class implements methods and functionalities to work directly with iso week date format and avoid moving back
    and forth between `date`, `datetime` and `str` objects.

        value_: iso-week string of format "YYYY-WNN-D" where:

            - YYYY is between 0001 and 9999
            - W is a literal character
            - NN is between 01 and 53
            - D is between 1 and 7


    _date_format = ISOWEEKDATE__DATE_FORMAT

    def day(self: Self) -> int:
        """Returns day number as integer.

            `int` with day number as integer corresponding to the `IsoWeekDate`.

        from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

        IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1").day  # 1
        return int(self.value_[9])

    def isoweek(self: Self) -> str:
        """Returns iso-week string value.

            `str` with iso-week string value (YYYY-WNN format) corresponding to the `IsoWeekDate`.

        from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

        IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1").isoweek  # "2023-W01"
        return self.value_[:8]

    def to_datetime(self: Self) -> datetime:
        """Converts `IsoWeekDate` to `datetime` object.

            `datetime` corresponding to the `IsoWeekDate`.

        from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

        IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1").to_datetime()  # datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 2, 0, 0)
        IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-3").to_datetime()  # datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 4, 0, 0)
        return super()._to_datetime(self.value_)

    def to_date(self: Self) -> date:
        """Converts `IsoWeekDate` to `date` object.

            `date` corresponding to the `IsoWeekDate`.

        from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

        IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1").to_date()  #, 1, 2)
        IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-3").to_date()  #, 1, 4)
        return self.to_datetime().date()

    def __add__(self: Self, other: Union[int, timedelta]) -> Self: ...  # pragma: no cover

    def __add__(
        self: Self,
        other: Iterable[Union[int, timedelta]],
    ) -> Generator[Self, None, None]: ...  # pragma: no cover

    def __add__(
        self: Self,
        other: Union[int, timedelta, Iterable[Union[int, timedelta]]],
    ) -> Union[Self, Generator[Self, None, None]]: ...  # pragma: no cover

    def __add__(
        self: Self,
        other: Union[int, timedelta, Iterable[Union[int, timedelta]]],
    ) -> Union[Self, Generator[Self, None, None]]:
        """Addition operation.

        It supports addition with the following types:

        - `int`: interpreted as number of days to be added to the `IsoWeekDate` value.
        - `timedelta`: converts `IsoWeekDate` to `datetime`, adds `timedelta` and converts back to `IsoWeekDate` object.
        - `Iterable` of `int` and/or `timedelta`: adds each element of the iterable to the `IsoWeekDate` value and
            returns a generator of `IsoWeekDate` objects.

            other: Object to add to `IsoWeekDate`.

            New `IsoWeekDate` or generator of `IsoWeekDate` object(s) with the result of the addition.

            TypeError: If `other` is not `int`, `timedelta` or `Iterable` of `int` and/or `timedelta`.

        from datetime import timedelta
        from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

        IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") + 1  # IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-2")
        IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") + timedelta(weeks=2)  # IsoWeekDate("2023-W03-1")

        tuple(IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") + (1,2)) # (IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-2"), IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-3"))
        if isinstance(other, int):
            return self.from_date(self.to_date() + timedelta(days=other))
        elif isinstance(other, timedelta):
            return self.from_datetime(self.to_datetime() + other)
        elif isinstance(other, Iterable) and all(isinstance(_other, (int, timedelta)) for _other in other):
            return (self + _other for _other in other)
            msg = (
                f"Cannot add type {type(other)} to `IsoWeekDate`. "
                "Addition is supported with `int` and `timedelta` types",
            raise TypeError(msg)

    def __sub__(self: Self, other: Union[int, timedelta]) -> Self: ...  # pragma: no cover

    def __sub__(self: Self, other: Self) -> int: ...  # pragma: no cover

    def __sub__(
        self: Self,
        other: Iterable[Union[int, timedelta]],
    ) -> Generator[Self, None, None]: ...  # pragma: no cover

    def __sub__(self: Self, other: Iterable[Self]) -> Generator[int, None, None]: ...  # pragma: no cover

    def __sub__(
        self: Self,
        other: Union[int, timedelta, Self, Iterable[Union[int, timedelta, Self]]],
    ) -> Union[int, Self, Generator[Union[int, Self], None, None]]: ...  # pragma: no cover

    def __sub__(
        self: Self,
        other: Union[int, timedelta, Self, Iterable[Union[int, timedelta, Self]]],
    ) -> Union[int, Self, Generator[Union[int, Self], None, None]]:
        """Subtraction operation.

        It supports subtraction with the following types:

        - `int`: interpreted as number of days to be subtracted to the `IsoWeekDate` value.
        - `timedelta`: converts `IsoWeekDate` to `datetime`, subtracts `timedelta` and converts back to `IsoWeekDate`
        - `IsoWeekDate`: will result in the difference between values in days (`int` type).
        - `Iterable` of `int`, `timedelta` and/or `IsoWeekDate`: subtracts each element of the iterable to the

            other: Object to subtract to `IsoWeekDate`.

            Results from the subtraction, can be `int`, `IsoWeekDate` or Generator of `int` and/or `IsoWeekDate`
                depending on the type of `other`.

            TypeError: If `other` is not `int`, `timedelta`, `IsoWeekDate` or `Iterable` of those types.

        from datetime import timedelta
        from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

        IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - 1  # IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-7")
        IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - timedelta(weeks=2)  # IsoWeekDate("2022-W51-1")

        tuple(IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - (1,2))  # (IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-7"), IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-6"))

        IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-3")  # 5

        if isinstance(other, int):
            return self.from_date(self.to_date() - timedelta(days=other))
        if isinstance(other, timedelta):
            return self.from_datetime(self.to_datetime() - other)
        elif isinstance(other, IsoWeekDate) and self.offset_ == other.offset_:
            return (self.to_date() - other.to_date()).days
        elif isinstance(other, Iterable) and all(isinstance(_other, (int, timedelta, IsoWeekDate)) for _other in other):
            return (self - _other for _other in other)
            msg = (
                f"Cannot subtract type {type(other)} to `IsoWeekDate`. "
                "Subtraction is supported with `int`, `timedelta` and `IsoWeekDate` types",
            raise TypeError(msg)

    def daysout(
        self: Self,
        n_days: int,
        step: int = 1,
        as_str: Literal[True],
    ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: ...  # pragma: no cover

    def daysout(
        self: Self,
        n_days: int,
        step: int = 1,
        as_str: Literal[False],
    ) -> Generator[IsoWeekDate, None, None]: ...  # pragma: no cover

    def daysout(
        self: Self,
        n_days: int,
        step: int = 1,
        as_str: bool = True,
    ) -> Generator[Union[str, IsoWeekDate], None, None]: ...  # pragma: no cover

    def daysout(
        self: Self,
        n_days: int,
        step: int = 1,
        as_str: bool = True,
    ) -> Generator[Union[str, IsoWeekDate], None, None]:
        """Generate range of `IsoWeekDate` (or `str`) from one to `n_days` ahead of current `value`, with given `step`.

        If `as_str` is flagged as `True`, it will return `str` values, otherwise it will return `IsoWeekDate` objects.

            n_days: Number of days to be generated from current value.
            step: Step between days, must be positive integer.
            as_str: Whether to return `str` or `IsoWeekDate` object.

            Generator of `IsoWeekDate`s (or `str`s) from one day to `n_days` ahead of current `value` with given `step`.

            TypeError: If `n_days` and/or `step` is not int.
            ValueError: If `n_days` and/or `step` is not strictly positive.

        from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate
        iso = IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1")

        tuple(iso.daysout(3)) # ('2023-W01-2', '2023-W01-3', '2023-W01-4')
        tuple(iso.daysout(6, step=2)) # ('2023-W01-2', '2023-W01-4', '2023-W01-6')
        if not isinstance(n_days, int):
            msg = f"`n_weeks` must be integer, found {type(n_days)} type"
            raise TypeError(msg)

        if n_days <= 0:
            msg = f"`n_weeks` must be strictly positive, found {n_days}"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        start, end = (self + 1), (self + n_days)
        return self.range(start, end, step=step, inclusive="both", as_str=as_str)

day: int property

Returns day number as integer.


Type Description

int with day number as integer corresponding to the IsoWeekDate.


from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1").day  # 1

isoweek: str property

Returns iso-week string value.


Type Description

str with iso-week string value (YYYY-WNN format) corresponding to the IsoWeekDate.


from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1").isoweek  # "2023-W01"


Addition operation.

It supports addition with the following types:

  • int: interpreted as number of days to be added to the IsoWeekDate value.
  • timedelta: converts IsoWeekDate to datetime, adds timedelta and converts back to IsoWeekDate object.
  • Iterable of int and/or timedelta: adds each element of the iterable to the IsoWeekDate value and returns a generator of IsoWeekDate objects.


Name Type Description Default
other Union[int, timedelta, Iterable[Union[int, timedelta]]]

Object to add to IsoWeekDate.



Type Description
Union[Self, Generator[Self, None, None]]

New IsoWeekDate or generator of IsoWeekDate object(s) with the result of the addition.


Type Description

If other is not int, timedelta or Iterable of int and/or timedelta.


from datetime import timedelta
from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") + 1  # IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-2")
IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") + timedelta(weeks=2)  # IsoWeekDate("2023-W03-1")

tuple(IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") + (1,2)) # (IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-2"), IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-3"))

Source code in iso_week_date/
def __add__(
    self: Self,
    other: Union[int, timedelta, Iterable[Union[int, timedelta]]],
) -> Union[Self, Generator[Self, None, None]]:
    """Addition operation.

    It supports addition with the following types:

    - `int`: interpreted as number of days to be added to the `IsoWeekDate` value.
    - `timedelta`: converts `IsoWeekDate` to `datetime`, adds `timedelta` and converts back to `IsoWeekDate` object.
    - `Iterable` of `int` and/or `timedelta`: adds each element of the iterable to the `IsoWeekDate` value and
        returns a generator of `IsoWeekDate` objects.

        other: Object to add to `IsoWeekDate`.

        New `IsoWeekDate` or generator of `IsoWeekDate` object(s) with the result of the addition.

        TypeError: If `other` is not `int`, `timedelta` or `Iterable` of `int` and/or `timedelta`.

    from datetime import timedelta
    from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

    IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") + 1  # IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-2")
    IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") + timedelta(weeks=2)  # IsoWeekDate("2023-W03-1")

    tuple(IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") + (1,2)) # (IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-2"), IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-3"))
    if isinstance(other, int):
        return self.from_date(self.to_date() + timedelta(days=other))
    elif isinstance(other, timedelta):
        return self.from_datetime(self.to_datetime() + other)
    elif isinstance(other, Iterable) and all(isinstance(_other, (int, timedelta)) for _other in other):
        return (self + _other for _other in other)
        msg = (
            f"Cannot add type {type(other)} to `IsoWeekDate`. "
            "Addition is supported with `int` and `timedelta` types",
        raise TypeError(msg)


Subtraction operation.

It supports subtraction with the following types:

  • int: interpreted as number of days to be subtracted to the IsoWeekDate value.
  • timedelta: converts IsoWeekDate to datetime, subtracts timedelta and converts back to IsoWeekDate object.
  • IsoWeekDate: will result in the difference between values in days (int type).
  • Iterable of int, timedelta and/or IsoWeekDate: subtracts each element of the iterable to the IsoWeekDate.


Name Type Description Default
other Union[int, timedelta, Self, Iterable[Union[int, timedelta, Self]]]

Object to subtract to IsoWeekDate.



Type Description
Union[int, Self, Generator[Union[int, Self], None, None]]

Results from the subtraction, can be int, IsoWeekDate or Generator of int and/or IsoWeekDate depending on the type of other.


Type Description

If other is not int, timedelta, IsoWeekDate or Iterable of those types.


from datetime import timedelta
from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - 1  # IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-7")
IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - timedelta(weeks=2)  # IsoWeekDate("2022-W51-1")

tuple(IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - (1,2))  # (IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-7"), IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-6"))

IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-3")  # 5

Source code in iso_week_date/
def __sub__(
    self: Self,
    other: Union[int, timedelta, Self, Iterable[Union[int, timedelta, Self]]],
) -> Union[int, Self, Generator[Union[int, Self], None, None]]:
    """Subtraction operation.

    It supports subtraction with the following types:

    - `int`: interpreted as number of days to be subtracted to the `IsoWeekDate` value.
    - `timedelta`: converts `IsoWeekDate` to `datetime`, subtracts `timedelta` and converts back to `IsoWeekDate`
    - `IsoWeekDate`: will result in the difference between values in days (`int` type).
    - `Iterable` of `int`, `timedelta` and/or `IsoWeekDate`: subtracts each element of the iterable to the

        other: Object to subtract to `IsoWeekDate`.

        Results from the subtraction, can be `int`, `IsoWeekDate` or Generator of `int` and/or `IsoWeekDate`
            depending on the type of `other`.

        TypeError: If `other` is not `int`, `timedelta`, `IsoWeekDate` or `Iterable` of those types.

    from datetime import timedelta
    from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

    IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - 1  # IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-7")
    IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - timedelta(weeks=2)  # IsoWeekDate("2022-W51-1")

    tuple(IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - (1,2))  # (IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-7"), IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-6"))

    IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1") - IsoWeekDate("2022-W52-3")  # 5

    if isinstance(other, int):
        return self.from_date(self.to_date() - timedelta(days=other))
    if isinstance(other, timedelta):
        return self.from_datetime(self.to_datetime() - other)
    elif isinstance(other, IsoWeekDate) and self.offset_ == other.offset_:
        return (self.to_date() - other.to_date()).days
    elif isinstance(other, Iterable) and all(isinstance(_other, (int, timedelta, IsoWeekDate)) for _other in other):
        return (self - _other for _other in other)
        msg = (
            f"Cannot subtract type {type(other)} to `IsoWeekDate`. "
            "Subtraction is supported with `int`, `timedelta` and `IsoWeekDate` types",
        raise TypeError(msg)

daysout(n_days, *, step=1, as_str=True)

Generate range of IsoWeekDate (or str) from one to n_days ahead of current value, with given step.

If as_str is flagged as True, it will return str values, otherwise it will return IsoWeekDate objects.


Name Type Description Default
n_days int

Number of days to be generated from current value.

step int

Step between days, must be positive integer.

as_str bool

Whether to return str or IsoWeekDate object.



Type Description
Generator[Union[str, IsoWeekDate], None, None]

Generator of IsoWeekDates (or strs) from one day to n_days ahead of current value with given step.


Type Description

If n_days and/or step is not int.


If n_days and/or step is not strictly positive.


from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate
iso = IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1")

tuple(iso.daysout(3)) # ('2023-W01-2', '2023-W01-3', '2023-W01-4')
tuple(iso.daysout(6, step=2)) # ('2023-W01-2', '2023-W01-4', '2023-W01-6')

Source code in iso_week_date/
def daysout(
    self: Self,
    n_days: int,
    step: int = 1,
    as_str: bool = True,
) -> Generator[Union[str, IsoWeekDate], None, None]:
    """Generate range of `IsoWeekDate` (or `str`) from one to `n_days` ahead of current `value`, with given `step`.

    If `as_str` is flagged as `True`, it will return `str` values, otherwise it will return `IsoWeekDate` objects.

        n_days: Number of days to be generated from current value.
        step: Step between days, must be positive integer.
        as_str: Whether to return `str` or `IsoWeekDate` object.

        Generator of `IsoWeekDate`s (or `str`s) from one day to `n_days` ahead of current `value` with given `step`.

        TypeError: If `n_days` and/or `step` is not int.
        ValueError: If `n_days` and/or `step` is not strictly positive.

    from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate
    iso = IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1")

    tuple(iso.daysout(3)) # ('2023-W01-2', '2023-W01-3', '2023-W01-4')
    tuple(iso.daysout(6, step=2)) # ('2023-W01-2', '2023-W01-4', '2023-W01-6')
    if not isinstance(n_days, int):
        msg = f"`n_weeks` must be integer, found {type(n_days)} type"
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if n_days <= 0:
        msg = f"`n_weeks` must be strictly positive, found {n_days}"
        raise ValueError(msg)

    start, end = (self + 1), (self + n_days)
    return self.range(start, end, step=step, inclusive="both", as_str=as_str)


Converts IsoWeekDate to date object.


Type Description

date corresponding to the IsoWeekDate.


from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1").to_date()  #, 1, 2)
IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-3").to_date()  #, 1, 4)

Source code in iso_week_date/
def to_date(self: Self) -> date:
    """Converts `IsoWeekDate` to `date` object.

        `date` corresponding to the `IsoWeekDate`.

    from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

    IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1").to_date()  #, 1, 2)
    IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-3").to_date()  #, 1, 4)
    return self.to_datetime().date()


Converts IsoWeekDate to datetime object.


Type Description

datetime corresponding to the IsoWeekDate.


from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1").to_datetime()  # datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 2, 0, 0)
IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-3").to_datetime()  # datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 4, 0, 0)

Source code in iso_week_date/
def to_datetime(self: Self) -> datetime:
    """Converts `IsoWeekDate` to `datetime` object.

        `datetime` corresponding to the `IsoWeekDate`.

    from iso_week_date import IsoWeekDate

    IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-1").to_datetime()  # datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 2, 0, 0)
    IsoWeekDate("2023-W01-3").to_datetime()  # datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 4, 0, 0)
    return super()._to_datetime(self.value_)