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ISO Week Date

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iso-week-date is a toolkit to work with strings representing ISO Week date in two formats, namely:

  • Week format YYYY-WNN (date format %Y-W%V)
  • Week date format YYYY-WNN-D (date format %Y-W%V-%u)

where YYYY represents the year, W is a literal, NN represents the week number, and D represents the day of the week.

In a nutshell it provides:

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TL;DR: you can install the package with pip:

python -m pip install iso-week-date

For more information please refer to the installation section.


To get started with IsoWeek and IsoWeekDate classes please refer to the quickstart section.

To check examples on how to work with pandas and polars functionalities please refer to the dataframe modules section.


Please read the contributing guidelines in the documentation site.


The project has a MIT Licence.